The ISF Public Interest Legal Fellowship will fund one year of legal work at a public interest, non-profit organization for a recent law school graduate. This fellowship will be a foundational launching point for new attorneys who are passionate about pursuing social justice through the law.  

Applicants must have secured a host organization and designed a project proposal with the host for this application. ISF will pay $70,000 to the host organization for the fellow's salary. If the host's salary for attorneys with the fellow's experience is higher than $70,000, the host must make up the difference so that the fellow is getting paid according to the host’s payment scale.


  1. An active member of the Muslim community,
  2. Graduated from law school within the last three years,
  3. A U.S. citizen, permanent resident of the United States, or a DACA recipient,
  4. Have taken or plan to take the bar exam by July 2025,
  5. Have not held a full-time, permanent public interest legal position (i.e., a job that required a J.D.) before applying for this fellowship, and
  6. Have secured a host organization and developed a project proposal with the host.


  1. Letter of commitment from your host organization
  2. Resume
  3. Two letters of recommendation
  4. Two 500-word essay Questions


  • Salary of $70,000
  • Professional leadership and law enrichment workshops throughout and after the program
  • Networking opportunities
  • Mentorship opportunities

Program Timeline

  • February to March 24th - Accepting Applications
  • March to April - Application Reviews
  • April - Video Interviews
  • May - Fellowship Awarded
  • Fall 2025 - Fellowship starts

Application Deadline: March 24th

Click here to watch an info webinar on funding opportunities for American Muslim students. The ISF portion of the presentation and the Q&A covered eligibility, application requirements, and tips on how to make your application stand out.

What is ISF's mission and why do we provide merit-based scholarships? 

Our mission is to increase American Muslim representation in media and politics in order to improve public opinion and public policy. We are achieving that goal by empowering students and professionals through academic scholarships, film grants, mentorships, internships and fellowships.

How many scholarships has ISF awarded in the past?
   Since our founding in 2009, we have awarded $3.4 million to over 600 recipients,  Scholarships range from $3,000-$10,000. 

What is the scholarship program timeline?
   ISF starts accepting applications in November for a period of 5 months. The deadline to submit a complete application is March 21st, 2025. The Selection Committee will review the applications from April-May.  Finalists will move to the next round and receive remote interviews in June. The final decisions will be made in July and scholarships will be awarded shortly after.  

Is the program open to international students?
       At this time we are only able to accept U.S. citizens, DACA recipients, and permanent residents.

       To learn more, check out our website:

Minimum requirements to apply for the ISF Scholarship:
       • Active member of the Muslim community;
       • Enrollment full-time at an accredited university in the U.S. by August 2025; OR employed full-time in an ISF Supported Field and a part-time student at an accredited university in the U.S.;
       • Majoring in an ISF Supported Field;
       • Maintaining a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average;
       • U.S. Citizen, U.S. green card holder, or DACA recipient;
       • Undergraduate (incoming junior or senior) or graduate/PhD

       The ideal candidate will demonstrate potential in impacting public opinion, alignment with the ISF mission and vision, excellent communication skills, and leadership.

The ISF Judicial Internship Scholarship offers funding for law students who will intern with a state or federal judge this summer. This scholarship is for law students not receiving funding for their judicial internship from other sources.  Eligible applicants who have been offered a judicial internship of at least 8-weeks can apply for this $2500 stipend.  Priority will be given to ISF scholarship recipients.

The ISF Judicial Internship Scholarship aims to support American Muslim students in accessing the privileges and responsibilities of working in a judge's chambers. The ISF Judicial Scholarship promotes and encourages diversity and inclusion in the public interest law field.


  1. An active member of the Muslim community,
  2. Enrolled as a first-year or second-year law student at an accredited law school in the U.S.,
  3. A U.S. citizen, permanent resident of the United States, or a DACA recipient,
  4. Received an offer for a judicial internship from a state or federal judge,
  5. Preference will be given to those not receiving funding for the judicial internship from another source.


  1. 60-Second Video Introduction
  2. Resume
  3. Letter of Recommendation
  4. 450-word Essay Question


  • Stipend of $2,500
  • Professional leadership and law enrichment workshops throughout and after the program
  • Networking opportunities
  • Mentorship opportunities


Islamic Scholarship Fund